Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than a diamond. ~Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605

Well, he said it, and that was in 1605. Some of you will read this and probably think I am a horrible mother....Others I hope will keep an open mind and realize that kids will be kids, and you really never know what will come out of their little mouths. Lauren lost a tooth in September. We cleaned the tooth, put it in a zipper bag, and she took her tooth for show and tell (yes folks, a tooth). She had decided that she was going to hang on to the tooth until she needed some cash flow. Ya know, kinda save it for hard times. Well, the other night she comes to Pete and I and says, " I could use some food for my Baby Alive, I think I'll put that tooth under my pillow tonight and get some money. Pete looks at me, I look at him. He's says I don't have any cash, do you? I said no but I found a dollar in the laundry and it was sitting on the dryer. Perfect we thought and that was that. Kids go to bed, we go up stairs to read and just before we turn out the lights, Pete says "tooth fairy time". He goes in to Lauren's room slips the money under the pillow, and takes the tooth. We have a box in our room where we keep the yucky teeth. As he is putting the tooth in the box, he mentions that he has enough teeth to make a necklace. We laughed a little and went to sleep. In the morning Lauren gets carried down by dad and she's got the dollar in her hand and says "the tooth fairy came"! She was so excited! Riley said how much did you get? I said how much did you get (like I didn't know)? She opened up the dollar (they usually get about three bucks a tooth) and said............................................That cheap bitch only gave me a dollar! I almost peed my pants. I tried so hard not to laugh. Keeping a straight face was almost impossible. I then said well, you shouldn't call her that because she will won't come back and little girls should NEVER talk like that. Lauren looked at me and said "That's ok, for a buck I will never leave another tooth under my pillow". Maybe the tooth Fairy thing wasn't such a good idea.

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