Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dark Creepy Weather and....lots of rain.

This past weekend the kids and I traveled to Bates Nut Farm with my dear friend Joanne and her daughter Leia. She has this tradition of trying to find the largest pumpkin in the patch. Not really, but close. After a half hour of turning pumpkins and making sure that all sides were perfect, she got a pumpkin weighing in at a whopping 114 lbs. After we got it in to her Lexus, it was time for the Munson clan to find ours. Wow, I've never seen pumpkins this big. We found it!! Our prize winning Great Pumpkin. Ours weighed in a little over 100 lbs. AWESOME! Loaded it in the Lexus and had almost 220 lbs of pumpkins in the back!! Can you believe that? So now, the question...how the heck to carve this thing? I think I might have to buy some power tools. Here are some pics from our AWESOME day!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer 2010

It's been forever since I have taken the time to update this blog. I guess you can say that I have been keeping very busy and haven't had much down time. I will give a run down on some of the things that has been going on since my last post. My dad passed away from stomach cancer in Feb. that wasn't an easy time for me. in March we laid him to rest. The kids stayed busy in school, and I was there almost every day as a volunteer. In May, we sent Peter off to his 9 month deployment to Afghanistan. We kicked off the summer with a visit from Gramma Tricia. While she was here, we went to Disneyland, Legoland, and many other places around San Diego. After she left, we had another visitor. Teddy (cousin) came to stay with us. We went to Legoland again, and Universal Studios. We also visited Hollywood. Most recently, we had our very good friend (almost sister) Jill and stay with us. We took her to Legoland, Universal, and Downtown Disney. We also did a two hour boat ride, and went to watch the Padres play at Petco Park. As you can see, we have had a very eventful summer and keeping busy. There are about four weeks until school starts. I will continue to pack as much stuff in as I can. Here are some pictures from some of our trips. Enjoy!!

This is a photo that I found of my dad....happier times :)

The morning that Peter left.

Fourth of July with cousin Teddy

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Lauren gave her biography on Milton Snavely Hershey this morning. I was glad that I made it back to watch her. She had a costume, an outstanding report, and a full size Hershey bar for every kid in the class.